Australia's leading 5 & 7-a-side soccer centres

Summer 22 Important Info


We have had a fantastic start to the Summer 2022 season. At this time we want to share some critical information so that everyone can continue to have a great season.


All Players in a team must be registered to play in a team or hold a valid guest pass to play in the team.

Over the last few weeks we have noticed a number of players playing on other games after or before their game has finished. This effects the competition as these players are making an impact on results and we do not have a record of them playing. If anyone wants to play a 2nd game please jump up to the desk and get a guest pass & wristband to play in that team.

All guest passes are being recorded for finals appearances.

Any team found afterwards to have played ineligible players will have an automatic 10-0 for that game.


If any other players want to register permanently via Season Pass this is still possible. Please email us at and we will update your link with the current price for games remaining so those players can register.


Each Season Pass holder should have a smooth entry to the venue. Simply say your name and team and we check you off the list.

If a player is coming to the venue as a guest please inform them to say they are a guest player so they can get their guest pass on entry and we can record their appearance. Guest players have been using registered players names to get access, players cannot play under another players name. Season Pass holders pay a reduced fee over the course of the season as they have made a commitment. Guest Pass players are welcome but must purchase a guest pass. If any player is found to be saying a name of a registered player when they are not, we may refuse entry to the venue at our discretion and if we discover they have played then the result will be over turned to a 10-0 loss.


If a Season Pass. holder is injured and cannot play again in the competition we are more than happy to transfer their Season Pass to another player at no cost.

To do this though, the Season Pass holder who cannot continue must email Soccer5s from their registered email. The email must request transfer of the Season Pass and supply the following details of the replacement player:






This cannot be done on a match day at the venue - needs to be emailed to


Sadly this summer we have already had to suspend 2 players and a player/spectator indefinitely from Soccer5s.

We want to promote a competitive, social and friendly competition. At this stage we want to remind all players of their conduct. Our referees have been advised to give yellow cards out for antagonizing opposition, continually talking back to officials or other players, not showing any regard for opponents safety when playing close to the fence and squaring up after tackles.

Players need to understand that tackles can happen, can be mistimed or misplaced - this is part of football. Players need to allow the referee to make a decision on the tackle and play the referees decision. Sadly some players have been identified as immediately shouting, abusing or trying to start a fight after a tackle. This behaviour is not to continue.

When play goes into the corner, all players are expected to let the player leading into the corner turn and play the ball out. The referee will call “2 metres”, this is from the ball not the corner. A player must be able to turn, face the play and make a pass. The player not in control of the ball is expected to allow them to play out.

If you feel your game is getting fiery, do not take matters into your own hands. The simplest way to deal with this is to notify management who are regularly walking up and down the pitches. They will then be able to keep a close eye on your game.

All registered players have accepted the terms and conditions for play at Soccer5s. Misconduct by players will result in disciplinary actions. Respect for the referee should be shown at all times. Referees are required to make quick decisions based on their judgement and abuse will not be tolerated. NO REFEREES MEANS NO GAMES!

Please respect the rules of the competition. Slide tackles and barging into the fences are completely unacceptable.


Yellow cards will be produced for slide tackles, dangerous play around the fences, repeated fouling, goading opponents, abusing officials, reacting to tackles and other standard offences.

A player who receives a yellow card can continue to play.

A referee may issue also yellow card and tell the player to go off to calm down, in this situation the player who has received the card must leave the field and can be replaced. The player is welcome to come back on at a later stage in the match with the referee’s approval.

A player who receives a 2nd yellow card will then receive a red card. (2 yellows = 1 red card)


When player receives a red card (2nd yellow or straight red) there is an automatic 1 week suspension. The player cannot play in any league matches until the following week. Red cards are a part of football and whilst we would prefer not to give a red card out, if it is produced then players must accept the decision of a referee.

When a red card is produced the team who receives the red card loses a player, they cannot bring a replacement on.


We have recently fielded a few requests to move game times. Please understand this is extrememly difficult to do once the draw has been released. To change a fixtures, we would have to make sure we had a an available referee in the slot (unlikely), ask the other team to move (unlikely), possibly ask another 2 teams from another game to move due to referee or pitch availability (unlikely) and wait a considerable amount of time for answers.


If for any reason you cannot make a match, please call us immediately when you know so we do not have other teams standing about waiting for a game. This is extremely unfair and you would be rightfully upset if that happened to you.

When a forfeit occurs, if we can switch your game to another league match we will, alternatively we will organise a friendly, give you the option of a pitch hire for the time or have a night off. If you end up with a last minute forfeit (ie a team doesn’t show up or we find out a short time before the game) we will line up a friendly if we can so that you have a game.

We want all games to go ahead and last minute forfeits cause chaos to our evenings.