Australia's leading 5 & 7-a-side soccer centres

Summer League 2024 Monday Mixed 5s



Your whole schedule for the seasoon is now available. Please be aware we may need to alter the fixtures if there are any other factors than come into play as the seasons begins and progresses. If we do alter a fixture you will be notified by sms.

Can we ask that you please share the information below so everyone has read this information page.

It is critical that you read the information below so you know what is happening in and around the venue on Matchday and you can assist our staff over the season.


  • We would like to encourage spectators to watch games from outside the perimeter on the street- THIS IS OUR PREFERRED OPTION.

  • We understand there are times though that spectators request access to the players walkway. There is a spectator fee of $4 per person for anyone wishing to enter the players walkway. This will also apply to other children who are attending with their parents.

  • Watching games from street side of the venue is free and all games will be viewable from the street with the same view as you would have from the players walkway.

This fee is aimed at limiting congestion, this allows our staff to deal with emergencies easier, operate the leagues more easily and reduce any possible conflict arising through team rivalry. Spectators Passes will be available at the player check in desk at the entry to the players walk way.

Spectators fee (to access player walkway) = $4 per person

If too many spectators access the walkway we may decide to limit it to players and coaches only at times.


Spectators have a responsibility to encourage all players who are participating regardless of whether they are viewing the game from the street, the deck or the players walkway. Abusing opposition players, coaches, other spectators and staff is completely unacceptable.

We expect all adults to set an example for the young players by showing respect to both sets of players at all times.


We understand at times teams need to bring extra players. Guest pass players are one off players who join your team on an occasion when you are short. All registered players pay for their own access to play after purchasing a Season Pass. Any guest players are also charged to play in the games. Guest Pass players are charged at $20 per match. Guest Passes will be available at the player check in desk at the entry to the players walk way, each Guest player will be given a wristband with the team name that they are playing for. The referee will check all players before the match starts.

Guest players appearances are recorded and will determine eligibility for Finals.



All registered players (Season pass holders) have accepted the terms and conditions for play at Soccer5s. Misconduct by players will result in disciplinary actions.

Respect for the referee should be shown at all times. Referees are required to make quick decisions based on their judgement and abuse will not be tolerated. NO REFEREES MEANS NO GAMES!

Please respect the rules of the competition. Slide tackles and barging into the fences are completely unacceptable.


Our cafe will be open during the summer leagues, we will be serving barista made coffee, drinks, snacks and for 2024 new breakfast food options (Croques, Toasties, Pocket Wraps & Ciabatta’s).

We have plenty of seating available for pre, during or post match catch ups.


Soccer5s is closed on a Friday. So if your team cannot make a match please notify us by 5pm on a Thursday by email - This gives us an opportunity to react and find teams to ensure the team you are meant to be playing are aware and we can find them an opponent. Please let us know if you cant make a game as it is not fair on your opponent if you simply do not show up.


Your fixtures for the whole season can be found here, please make sure you select schedule once you have clicked through, you can also click on your team and see just your teams fixtures.